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How Effective Lighting can help elevate your Home Décor

Effective lighting for Home Décor

The lighting of a home contributes significantly in amplifying the mood of the space while maintaining a balance between the functionality of the room and the personality of the individuals living in it. Using different types of lights throughout the living space contributes positively in highlighting the task areas while adding personal touches that set it apart from the rest of the rooms in the house.

Here are a few ways to use interior lighting to decorate the interiors of the home effortlessly:

1. Colourful home décor lights

Decorative lights for home with a pop of colour can add or subtract sufficiently from the overall look of luxury homes. While a dark colour can make a room appear smaller, a lighter shade presents an illusion of space. Colour temperature too plays an important role in altering the mood and feel of the interiors of the home. According to the access to natural light, it is wise to opt for a cool white colour during the daytime and a warm white at night.

2. Placement on Lights

The positioning of light fixtures depends on the need for illuminating the entire room or specific elements. Track lighting is a classic example in this regard as it illuminates discrete zones within the house, such as a painting or a vase or the tip of the bar or kitchen. Another example of directional lighting is recessed lighting, which uses vertical beams of light to highlight specific spots or features. Ceiling fixtures too work great to offer focussed lighting on top of dining tables or conversational settings.

3. Use of Natural Light

Owning one of the best luxury apartments in Mumbai that offers picturesque views of the city and the landscape as well as plenty of natural light throughout the day is a dream come true for every homebuyer. However, it is important to make the most of this natural light, the clarity and quality of which is the hardest to replicate. Use of glass in luxury homes is a step in this direction as it offers an energy-efficient way of modifying the look of the home while saving considerably on costs.

4. The functionality of Lights

An important aspect determining the use of lighting in interiors of duplex homes is functionality. The type of lighting fixture should sync with the location in which it is to be used. Chandeliers work great in open foyers and entryways as well as central seating areas owing to its excellent illumination capacity. On the other hand, wall lights work great for lighting the way by adding length and size to space. Similarly, task-specific lights team perfectly with work desks as they focus on illuminating the working area instead of the entire room.

5. Space of room

A room can look cramped if not illuminated properly. Using a combination of man-made and natural lighting offers a pleasant break to the chaos created by furniture arrangements. Using large windows and skylights in the dark rooms of luxury homes, with sheer drapes can bring in ample natural light, which accentuates the colours of the walls as well as bounces off reflective surfaces to add to the visual space of the room. In the absence of natural light, wall scones, ceiling lights and corner lamps can brighten up the interiors to create the visual appearance of a larger space.

6. Type of light fitting

Investing in a selection of decorative lights for home that besides being beautiful are also functional is a wise choice. Opt for chandeliers, decorative salt lamps, pendants, vintage light fittings, etc. to positively modify the ambience of the room. However, keep in mind the proportion and scale of the space to prevent cluttering and overuse of lighting fittings.

While etching out home décor ideas for duplex homes that echo the personality of the owners, lighting is often an overlooked aspect. However, with a better understanding of the nuances that surround the use of home decor lights, adding the necessary charm to luxury apartments in Mumbai would seem less like a distant dream.